Deer Park, Victoria, 3023 Australia
T. (03) 9383 2552 | M. 0419 22 88 21


Woman receiving tantric massage

Important Notices to all clients

I am happy to say that Esensua has successfully been approved by Council to operate its services again, being the Tantric Massages, which complies with legislative requirements outlined in the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

This exciting development was effective from the 1st December 2023.

Please note that bookings need to be at least one to two weeks in advance to avoid disappointment. Weeknight slots are fully booked until mid 2024.

Please try out the remedial, relaxation massages, on their own they are amazing.

Then if you like you can add the sensual, and tantric massages. Your ongoing support means the world to us as we evolve in harmony with the updated legislation.

Thank you for choosing Esensua.

Love & light,


Unleash The Goddess Within....

Egyptian Goddess in the Sands

Esensua is not just about yoni massage for women in Melbourne but offers a variety of massages. Some women come for their weekly Relaxation Massage or Remedial Massage, which are non-sexual and provide a full-body experience.

In Australia, women’s erotic massage is better known as Sensual Massage or Tantric Massage for women and is becoming popular, though still in its infancy.

Here in Melbourne, I specialise in Relaxation, Remedial, Sensual Massage for Women, and Tantric Massage for Women, also known as Yoni Massage, or a combination of all these styles.

All the massages are finely tuned to ignite your inner desires and are developed and refined for each individual woman depending on her needs.

Esensua also specialises in private erotic Massage Classes for men, women, or couples needing to add a bit of fun to their relationship.

The Studio is in Deer Park, a suburb in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 25 km west of Melbourne's Southern Cross Railways Station, not too far for visitors to our city to reach.

Just Some of Esensua's Testimonials

Woman with white vail over head and sitting in classic sixties car

Hi Rosario,

I just wanted to say a big thank you for yesterday.

I do apologise if I came across overly cold/closed/tense.. particularly in the beginning, it's just a coping mechanism for me in an unfamiliar environment.

Considering I was totally out of my comfort zone and my head was telling me to run for the hills you did an incredible job at making me feel comfortable, confident and relaxed.

I'm so glad I had the guts to give it a go, I loved it and as much I felt I had been pushed to my limits yesterday, I am keen to see how far I can push my limits going forward.

My body feels amazing and so does my mind.

Thank you again. I will definitely be back as soon as the bank account allows it. 🤣

Emma, 28

Link to More Testimonials

Woman with green veil over head and nose and just showing eyes

I have seen Rosario on a regular basis now for over a year. What a year it has been in terms of my personal growth, and learning to sexually express myself on a new level. I have greater love for myself and others.

Rosario's touch is healing, genuine and professional. He has an amazing ability to connect on many levels, not just with touch but he's intuitive and wise.

Regardless of your current circumstances or your past experiences Rosario will warm your heart, treat you like a goddess and you will walk out feeling alive, empowered and full of life force and sexual energy!

Thank you Rosario for opening my heart.

Belinda, 32

Link to More Testimonials

Woman with face leaning on wooden pole

I know deep within that it's time to let go of my thoughts and honor my femininity - For too long I've been self-conscious, scared and ashamed of myself and body, and really just 'in my head most of the time". But today I crossed my first obstacle and entered Rosario's sanctuary.

What a truly beautiful soul is Rosario. And what a beautiful experience I had today. I felt my femininity flow - warm energy throughout my whole body. My vision was flooded with surges of vibrant violet color at times. Rosario's healing touch and gentle, reassuring words just resonated. Today I felt adored, accepted and loved. I felt at peace.

I cried on the train ride back home at the joyful realization of just how giving I have been all these years and how I truly believed that I was unworthy of receiving love.

I am inspired by and look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead - to continue to nurture myself through this healing art and share it with others and a special man one day.

My other realization is that the world is my mirror. I will see beauty and love in it, for this is what I am.

Thank you Rosario, Bless you.

Josephine (Craigieburn), 36

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Here are a few informative videos to view...

Esther Perel: Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved

Infidelity is the ultimate betrayal. But does it have to be?

Relationship therapist Esther Perel examines why people cheat, and unpacks why affairs are so traumatic: because they threaten our emotional security.

In infidelity, she sees something unexpected — an expression of longing and loss.

A must-watch for anyone who has ever cheated or been cheated on, or who simply wants a new framework for understanding relationships.

Link to more video clips here...

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